About Us

Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) functions as the political and administrative focal point in India for all engagements (loans, credits, grants, Technical Cooperation etc.) with Multilateral Agencies, Bilateral Agencies and International Financial Institutions. External assistance is received in the shape of Official Development Assistance (ODA) from Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), Bilateral Agencies and International Financial Institutions (IFIs). Project proposals seeking external assistance received from Ministries/Departments in Govt. of India as well as from State Governments are examined and processed by DEA and then posed to the Bilateral Agency. Japan is one of the bilateral partners of India and has been providing financial and technical assistance through ODA. Japan International Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) Programme is one of Japan’s Technical Cooperation schemes operated as part of its Official Development Assistance. JOCVs are Japanese experts in a variety of technical fields, and are interested in sharing their knowledge and experience at the grassroots-level with Government Organizations and local NGOs. JOCV program support a wide range of local activities by Japanese citizens who intend to cooperate in the economic and social development of partner countries. The JOCV programme is open to the fields of Japanese Language, Sports (Judo, Rugby etc.), Health, Agriculture, Craft Works and Community Development. This is subject to changes from time to time. Under this programme, public agencies, NGOs or other organizations can make requests for deployment of Japanese experts as JOCV volunteers for training and enhancement of knowledge and skills of Indian Nationals in designated fields of activity. __________________.